Our services
As the needs of those we serve change, our goal is to adapt and change to meet those needs!
“My faith demands that I do whatever I can, wherever I am, whenever I can, for as long as I can with whatever I have to try to make a difference.
Jimmy Carter
Sponsorship Programs
One of the most direct ways that we support those in need is through direct child sponsorships. This provides love encouragement and provides for basic necessities for school and living. We also offer the ability to sponsor volunteers, adults, and missionaries. This allows others to support those individuals who are called to serve full time, and have given up careers in order to serve others.
Foreign Aid
We meet a specific need in partnership with CEDEINFA to serve the poorest of the poor in San Salvador, El Salvador. We not only provide funds and supplies to serve in their various programs, but also volunteers and mission trips to aid those they serve.
Clean Water
In partnership with Pure Water Access Project (PWAP) we were able to identify the specific issues with contaminated water within the communities of those we serve. We are continuing to search for practical solutions to those needs so that those individuals will have access to clean water.
Housing Construction
We offer a variety of ways to drastically improve the quality of living for others including but not limited to a basic structure that is safe and dry. The needs of those in specific communities can be met with your help.

Helping Children All Over the World
We believe that just because we are born in different parts of the world, that does not mean that we are not all connected. If we only care for ourselves then we are missing out on the beauty and culture that the rest of the world has to offer. We are not simply “lucky” to be born in a developed nation but we are born with a responsiblilty to help the less fortunate.

We could focus on all the good we have done and all the people we have served but that would imply that we are done. Then while we are patting ourselves on the back, others will do without. There is always more we can do. It is good to reflect on what is behind us only for the purpose of motivation for what we can still accomplish, not to brag.